Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mood Board Magic

Remember those mood boards I put together a while back?

At the time I'd already picked up a good number of the items pictured, but was seriously short of mid-century lighting (a situation since resolved).  So instead of uploading a snap of my single lonely Quartite lamp, I Googled "white mid-century lamp", selected the first appealing image I came across, and used it as a stand-in.

Now let's fast-forward to today.

Shazam!  How's that for serendipity?  This thing sat in my living room for over a month in the very spot I'd placed it on the mood boards before I even noticed the connection.

Though there's a tiny bit of crazing in the ceramic, Its a gorgeous fluted mid-century lamp of indeterminate make.  So this one is sticking around.  It's my new lucky lamp, after all,  and I sure could use a bit of luck.


  1. What are the odds that you'd find the very same lamp? I'd say that has to be your lucky lamp, and things are going to take an upward turn at the nickarmadillo household. Fingers crossed!

    I don't know if you read Ranch Dressing with Eartha Kitsch, but she and her husband are trying to give you a run for your money for the title of World's Unluckiest Homeowner. After 3 years of work, they finished their home only to find multiple leaks...inside their concrete foundation. So they're going to have to tear out their new floors, cabinets and tub and jackhammer trenches in the slab. I think they need a lucky lamp too.

    1. Man, that sounds awful! Being a homeowner is just no fun at times. I didn't know that they laid the pipes inside of slab foundations. Sounds pretty risky!

  2. You did it! What a great find, and it looks just as perfect as your mood board.

    1. Now it's on to the next project. Some day those mood boards will become reality.

  3. Looks great. Rub that lucky lamp everyday and see what other MCM furniture will appear!

    1. Got tons of new stuff this weekend, so it looks like it's working!

  4. The mood boards are killer and I love love love the lamp.
