Thursday, March 20, 2014

Trip Loot: Part 2 (Give Me Some Sugar)

You've seen the thrifts, the Brutalist Harlow Town Center, the Mid-Century Modern Christmas presents, and the collection of West German pottery brought home from the last of my semi-annual UK excursions, but there's still one last piece of trip loot to share.

Granted, it isn't anything mind-blowing, but this vintage ceramic sugar pot was my favorite antique mall purchase of the lot.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Trip Loot: Part 1

I've dragged this out far enough.  It's time to get to the rest of the MCM souvenirs brought home from my biannual UK excursion.

This trip turned out to be all about the ceramics, with a healthy addition to my collection of West German pottery and a few other pieces that I'll share later on.