Thursday, April 17, 2014

Leave of Absense

It's been a crazy busy couple weeks.  The girlfriend is over, we've been preparing for and hosting a house party, I've had a few health-related issues, and there's been a bunch of stuff to do with the family business.  Life just hasn't left me with a whole lot of time for sitting down and cranking out a blog post, so I thought that I'd just let you all know that I'll be back with more posts soonish (next week or so).  No worries.  We aren't going anywhere.


  1. Just wanted to send good wishes... my life's a bit of a blur right now too. All best, Nick.

  2. Ahhh I know how ya feel. I've been having trouble finding time to post on my blog lately. Hope you get all better and life slows down for you a bit!

  3. We miss you...but we completely understand. Hope you are enjoying the time with your girlfriend and are over whatever was ailing you! :) Tell her I said hello.

  4. Same kinda thing going on with me lately, sooooo much to do, so little time!

    Feel better soon and enjoy you party!
