After sucking down candy, cakes, and roast dinners all winter, it's time to fight the podge and start my bike regimen anew. The plan this time around is the same as the last: 20 - 30 miles on the stationary bike a day and light weight lifting.
The best part about using a stationary bike is that I can work (OK, more like procrastinate) on the computer and watch movies while exercising. However, I've exhausted Netflix and the list of decent films coming out of Hollywood in recent years is rather thin.
So, despite my trepidation, decided to give Adam Sandler's Click a watch. I'm not exactly the biggest Sandler guy (the novelty of fart jokes and weird voices wore off around the time that my age hit double digits), but I'd been tipped off by numerous blog posts, websites, and forums that an Eames 670 lounge makes an appearance. That's as good a reason as any, right?
So I get to the Eames cameo and...
... something's off here.